Depending on how much data you have to record, it could take quite a bit of time to complete one full report. Again, what takes so much time is making sure you have something to write on, having a pen on hand, making sure all lines are filled in and check boxes are checked, and making sure all the information is correct before it is filed.
Now that Fire and Life Safety Forms are online, we can check off most of these nuisances. One of the biggest problems is not having something to write on; however, being able to fill out an online form on a phone or tablet means ditching the paper and clipboard. Not only that, but now we can get rid of the pesky pens that end up in the wash and all over our nice clothes!
The other benefit to having online forms is the fact that these forms will not allow you to submit unless all required fields are filled in. This can help make sure that all of your inspectors fill out ALL of the fields that they need to, without missing important information.
While there are still many other reasons why your inspectors will save time, one of my personal favorites is not having to file paperwork. This not only saves your inspectors time, but your office assistant’s as well. With online forms, once the user hits submit, the forms get submitted to a database, processed to a professional PDF report where it is stored as well as emailed to the appropriate party.
Do you think your inspectors are spending too much time on a simple inspection? Take out the extra steps from their jobs by moving your Fire and Life Safety Forms online! Reach out to a representative at Formlink systems to learn more today!